Privacy policy

Last updated: March 19, 2024

What personal information does the Medicine Safety Portal collect?

We use anonymised Google Analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors use this – see our cookie policy for more information on this. These cookies do not contain any personally identifying information.

If you submit a message through the site’s contact form or email address, we will receive your name, email address and message. We will only use this information to respond to your message, and will not send you any unsolicited emails in response. However, we do keep a copy of any messages within our password-protected email inbox so that we can refer back to them later if needed. If at any point you would prefer us to delete this information, please contact us and we will delete these messages.

If you click through to any external websites linked on the Medicine Safety Portal, these sites may also set cookies or otherwise collect personal information.

Does anyone else have access to my information?

Google Analytics processes the anonymised cookies which track visits to the site. As this website is based on Google’s Blogger service, Google may also set preference cookies for Blogger and other Google services.

We don’t share any of the personal information given to us via the contact form, but the form is processed by Google’s Blogger service. If you would prefer to avoid this for any reason, there is a direct email link on the same page. Whichever method is used, the message is sent to a private email inbox for this website.

Contacting us

If you’d like to ask us any questions about this policy, please contact us via our contact form.